There are many rituals for purifying negative energy and charging with positive one. Unfortunately, to perform any ritual you need time and space. In our hectic everyday life, we don't always find one or the other.

Today I'm going to share with you a cleansing and energizing technique that you don't need space for, and the time it will take you to perform it is no more than a minute. It can also be performed while walking.

First you start with purification.

There are two universal methods of purification from negative energy, the use of water and earth.

- Water – visualize that you are under a shower, under a waterfall or simply water is flowing from the sky above you. Water has the property of washing away all impurities, in this case it will wash away negative or foreign energy from your body.

- Earth - you visualize that all your energy, starting from the head, goes down and enters the earth. Earth used as an element absorbs negative energy and grounds the positive.

You can use both methods combined.

Repeat until you feel relief.

After you've cleansed yourself, it's good to recharge.

The strongest charge is through the ground. We are part of it, it is part of us.

Visualize vines coming out of the ground, entwining around your feet and slowly twisting around your entire body, reaching your head. The liana can be green /for charging/ or brown /for grounding/. On the liana there may be flowers, buds that will bloom as well as leaves. The visualization depends on your mood or gut feeling.

Repeat until you feel a surge of energy.

After a few tries and targeting the visualization that works for you, the technique will take you no more than a minute. It can be performed anywhere.
