The ritual is performed on Sunday, the day of the Sun. You will need a mirror and salt

Before starting the ritual, wash the mirror with water blessed by you/personally named for purification/.

Make a circle of salt big enough for you to sit in. The circle is drawn clockwise, starting from the direction in which you will be looking/it is good if it is north/. You don't need to use too much salt, the important thing is that the circle is continuous and the salt is visible.

Sit comfortably and position the mirror so that you can see your face. You can hold it in your hands.

The idea of the ritual is to transfer any pain, discomfort or illness into the mirror.

You start from the head and gradually go through the whole body, moving the mirror over the part you are cleaning.

I'll give an example: "The pain in my temples, goes out of me and into the mirror." The key point in the ritual is to feel or imagine the pain or discomfort leaving you and going into the mirror. For the ritual to work, the description of the ailment must be specific. It is not enough to simply say "the pain in my head", describe the pain in degree and exactly where it is located.

When clearing psychological ailments, likewise describe specifically what you feel. Example: "the feeling I feel of fear, anxiety, confusion, sadness, comes out of me and passes into the mirror." In the case of psychological disorders, it would be good before starting the technique to spend 10 minutes and ask yourself exactly what you feel and where it comes from, that way you will clear it better.

Moving down the body, move the mirror so that it reflects the organ you are talking about.

The ritual does not need to be for the whole body, you can just work on a certain area that bothers you.

Repeat the clearing words as many times as you need.

Once finished, place the mirror outside the circle with the mirror part towards the ground. Rest the palms of your hands on the ground and say: "I charge myself with pure energy from the earth."

When you are done, undo the circle counterclockwise and wash the mirror with blessed water.

The ritual can be done every day if needed, it is strongest on Sunday.


