Sage energy cleansing, also known as smudging, is a ritual that involves burning dried sage leaves to clear negative energy from a space, person, or object.
The type of sage used is white sage. Do not use sage from your kitchen.
We all clean our homes physically, but very few of us clean them energetically. Every home contains stagnant and negative energy that accumulates naturally over time.
For smudging, you need a bundle of sage or a so-called smudging stick. You can buy it ready or make it yourself.
Light the stick in a fireproof container and after the flame has ignited, blow it out. Allow the stick to smoke gently like incense.
When smudging a room, start from the front door in a clockwise direction and leave a window open during the ritual.
To smudge people and objects, pass the stick three times or as many times as you like from above.
Mainly the ritual is used for purification from negative energies. It can also be used for arguments and stress. Sage has antimicrobial and antibacterial properties and is suitable for healing diseases.
Smudging is especially appropriate when starting something new - a project or stage in life.