
Wicca is a study of nature and cosmos, and commends the Goddess and God as well as the moon. The word "wicca" is Anglo-Saxon and means "witch," but the idea of ​​learning is actually a deeper understanding of yourself as a unit and as a part of the universe.

The Wicca is expressed mainly by the five elements of the wise: Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Spirit, which are the basis of the universe. The earth symbolizes wisdom, the Air - mind, the Fire - Passion, the Water - Love, the Spirit - Sacrament, the latter connects in the other four, and in itself is the most perfect.

By practicing the Wicca we agree to honor the Mother Nature and everything created by her. The basic law of the Wicca is the law of threefold: whatever you give, you will receive three times. Therefore, all practitioners are extremely careful not to harm anyone.

Wicca rituals are performed mainly on a full moon and the main tool used is a pentagram. The pentagram with its five beams symbolizes the human body as well as the five elements. The circle that circles the star is the power of the Goddess. Used for spells and protection.

Wicca has eight celebrations:

Beltane - May 1, the Goddess with God

Imbolc - February 2, the first movement of spring, a traditional time for magical practices

Lughnassad - Aug. 1, first harvest and first withdrawal of solar energy

Mabon - September 21, autumn equinox, time for gratitude and reflection

Ostara - March 21, Spring Equinox. Fire festival, celebrating fertility

Samhain - October 31, gathering energies

Yule - December 21, the new birth of the God of the Sun

All these holidays are called sabbats, or days of rest and tribute to the Goddess.


