
• Turn to yourself.

In this busy everyday life do we think about who we are and what we want. No. Everything comes from us. Not without reason, all gurus in the sphere of knowledge and perfection say we must love ourselves, meditate and listen to our inner voice, because they hide all the answers to the questions we ask. How easy this is, is another matter. The easiest way is to listen to your inner voice or the so-called sixth sense. It never lies to us, although in most cases it is against our way of thinking or logic. The second option is to meditate. It has been proven that through meditation we balance the chakras, soothing the mind and, as a result, the find solutions to the problems that harass us which, in a tense situation, we cannot see. The third is to love. That is even more difficult than meditation. We all know and say we love each other. In fact, that is not true. In most cases, we have the habit of putting our children, our mate, parents, relatives, friends, and even just acquaintances before us. To love ourselves means to accept us with everything positive and negative in us. To like the look, we have been given. To avoid blaming ourselves. To respect us. To talk with ourselves. To listen to what we say, even if we do not like it. And most importantly not to judge.

• Remove everything unnecessary

Somehow, we manage to stuff our lives with a bunch of unnecessary things, starting from things to thoughts. We clutter, we pile up until we finally get stuck. One of Feng Shui's rules is if we want a change in our lives we need to change places of 7 items in our home, and if we want to get new things to throw away old ones ... such as clothes. This rule applies to other things as well. We drink a coffee with "friends" and after that we end up with headache. We are watching news that depresses us. We complain about everything, including time. Nothing you need. Review all your belongings that you have accumulated for years. Throw away anything old that is not related to nostalgic memories, even if it is related to them. Open a place for new things that will be related to new positive emotions. Gather with people who make you smile. Watch movies that inspire you. Time is always great ... and we are blessed with a change of seasons. Turn the complaints into praise. Every day you can find at least one thing to enjoy and one thing to boast of ... like, for example, there is no traffic on the way to work.

• Thank you

Gratitude is part of every prayer. Not everyone feels comfortable to pray, but everyone can thank. Gratitude is the easiest thing in this world and there are many options. We can thank that we have met the day in perfect health, that we have a partner who supports us, children we love, friends with whom to drink coffee, a home to live in, a meal to put on the table, a car that can take us to new and interesting places, money to pay our bills and thousands, thousands of other occasions. Thanks, every day and new things will come to thank for. Thanks for the slightest thing, such as being in time for an important meeting, that the rain started after you came home, that a friend called you when you needed it. And thank for being alive.

• Love

Love with all your heart and soul. That's why we're created. Love yourself, love your neighbor. It certainly does not cost money and does not require any physical effort. The more love you give, the more you get. You do not have to get from where you give, but you will certainly get as much as you give. Love will save the world. Love without restraint and no requirements. Love without calculating the benefits of this and without expecting anything in return. Everyone needs love. And do not just love people and animals and objects, love everything. Love brings the strongest energy to the earth. It can change people and circumstances. She can create miracles. Be one of those miracles.

• Dream

Dreams are one of the most beautiful things in our lives. We build them in our minds with lots of love and beauty. In our dreams, we can be what we want. There is no fear, inconvenience, shame, and inferiority complexes. There we are the characters in the movie. Every dream shows what we lack in life. Every dream shows secretly disguised discomfort or shame. Dream every day, and while you're dreaming, ask yourself why you are dreaming exactly that, and how to make it a reality. Not always the obstacles are essential. Dreaming for financial independence, ask yourself if your job satisfies you, can you change it or make extra income elsewhere. Dreaming for the perfect mate, ask yourself if you have made room for this half in your life. Dreaming to visit interesting tourist destinations, watch promotions, nowadays there are a lot of them. And most importantly share. Share your dreams with relatives and friends, you never know which one can help you make a dream a reality. A dream can be the desire to buy an air conditioner, and it turns out that your friend has an old but working one in his basement. Some dreams turn into reality as if by themselves, others need a little more time and work. Dreams are what makes us evolve. So, dream with full force.


