A totem is a spiritual being or sacred object that guides and protects us on our life path.

The tradition of some Native American tribes states that each person is associated with nine different animals that will accompany him through life, acting as guides. Different animals come in and out of our lives depending on the direction we are headed and the tasks that need to be accomplished along our journey.

Although people may identify with several different animal guides throughout their lives, one totem animal acts as the primary guardian spirit.

Your primary totem chooses you.

There are several ways to find out what your main totem is:

- Attraction – when you feel a deep affection for a certain animal

- Meditation

- Dreams

- Physical form – when you see the animal several times in a short sequence

A totem can also be an object that you have chosen to guide or protect you at a certain point in your life. Clover for luck, heart for love, bay leaf in your purse for money, eye against evil and more.

The important thing about the totem item is to be blessed by you. Bless a red thread for health and tie it on the left hand. You can bless a coin for money and put it in a hidden place in your purse. Bracelet for luck is worn on the right hand. Protection totems are usually in the form of a necklace.

The totem object can also be a family one. A broom behind the front door, to protect the house from bad energy. A green candle on the coffee table to maintain balanced family relationships.

When we enter a certain period of our life for which we will need support or we are facing a challenge or problem, we can create a totem according to the characteristics of the animal that we think will help us. Lion for strength and confidence, bear for balance and personal growth, turtle for patience and wisdom. You can buy the animal as a souvenir or put its picture on your phone. Seeing it every day, the totem charges you with the qualities it possesses.


