Karma is the relationship between one's mental or physical action and the consequences of that action.

The saying "what you sow, you shall reap" is a great example of how karma works. The consequences of all one's actions in their present and previous lives is a chain of cause and effect. The result of an action - which may be verbal, mental or physical - is determined not only by the action, but also by the intention.

Karma can be individual or collective. Individual karma is created by one's thoughts, words and actions. Collective, when people act as a group. When the group is a family, karma is called ancestral karma.

Good karma is the result of good deeds done for others, while bad karma is the result of intentionally harming others.

If your actions cause lasting pain and suffering, they are considered negative. If your actions cause happiness, they are considered positive. Actions are not so much black and white as fundamentally good or bad.

Karma is based on the principle that everything in your life, including your past, present and future, is connected. What you are today is the result of your past actions. What you will be tomorrow will be the result of your actions today.

Karma can be transmitted in subsequent incarnations individually, as well as be ancestral karma. Within seven generations we are born into the same lineage. In this framework we can pay off ancestral karma.

Be kind to yourself and others and create good karma!


