Bessing is the simplest form of magic. Everyone blesses, knowingly or not, for health, for happiness, for love, for money, for luck. We can bless verbally or objects.

Absolutely everyone bless verbally, be alive, be healthy, be successful, the so-called wishes. The most famous blessing in the form of a ritual is the blessing of water. The most comprehensive blessing / we can include more people / is the blessing when kneading bread.

The main rule in blessing is to come from the heart. Words spoken from the heart have the greatest power in making magic. Blessing is a ritual that you do mainly for yourself. To bless another person you must be absolutely sure what is in his heart, otherwise the magic will not work.

The blessing of bread can involve the whole family, but usually bread is blessed for health and well-being. Personal blessings can be for absolutely anything.

With verbal blessing, it is enough to express your desire and finish the sentence with "so mote it be".

When blessing the water, you must first say your name, then your wish, and finally " so mote it be".

When blessing bread, while kneading you first say "let all who taste of this bread", then say the wish and finally end with " so mote it be ".

Blessings should always be in the present tense.

You can also bless objects of your choice.

- I choose this candle, lighting it I am calm, so mote it be

- I choose this pebble, touching it I ground myself and gather my energy, so mote it be

- I choose this wallet, carrying it I attract money, so mote it be

- I choose this souvenir, by wearing it I attract good luck, so mote it be

Bless the objects according to what you feel they can bring you.

Bless only what your heart desires.

Conscious blessing in the present tense is powerful magic.

Be sorcerers.


