There are no wrongly chosen parents and no accidentally produced children. Children come to change us and teach us new things. In many cases, children come to help us deal with our personal inferiority complexes or overcome negative character traits. Sometimes children help us to look at ourselves from the side and make a correction in our behavior towards others.
There are no bad parents and none who have made a mistake. A parent raises their child to the best of their ability, based on how they were raised and what they learned about themselves through life.
By default, the child has a slightly more special relationship with the mother. During the nine months of pregnancy, the mother has the unique opportunity to get to know the soul of her child. To create a connection in a purely emotional and spiritual aspect. This is the so-called maternal sense or sixth sense.
There are families in which parents and children are from the same spiritual family. In other families, they have reincarnated together in previous incarnations, in different roles. There are also families in which parents and children do not have any spiritual connection. It doesn't matter which of the above families you are in, follow the spiritual choice you made in your current incarnation.
The construction of the child's character begins during pregnancy according to the emotional state of the mother, and continues until the age of seven, including the emotional state of all the people involved in raising him.
You have primarily a spiritual relationship with your child and then a physical and verbal one.
A child up to the age of seven registers first your energy /here emotions influence/, then your actions and finally your words.
In order to get the desired result from your communication with the child, you must first tune yourself emotionally in the right direction, your actions should be in that direction, and finally the words.
You shape your child's character. If you don't like something, look at yourself. The child follows you.