Even when we are in absolute harmony, someone can drain us mentally. A so-called "energy vampire" or a negative person can drain your energy even after a simple conversation.

An important step in conserving your own energy is paying attention to how you feel. Irritability, tension headaches, malaise or simply not being yourself are signs of energy leakage or foreign energy interference.

An energy vampire can be a relative, a "friend" who likes to play the victim, or a colleague who won't stop talking about their problems. Although we cannot remove these negative people from our lives, we can protect ourselves from other people's bad vibes and toxic tendencies.

After meeting a negative person, it is good to wash your eyes with running water, meditate or ground yourself. Each of the above methods will help you get rid of someone else's negative energy and balance your own.

However, there are several methods that will protect you during the meeting.

- Sphere – this is relatively the easiest method of protection. The moment you feel unwell, visualize yourself placing yourself in a sphere. It can be glass, like a water balloon, made of air or solid, the important thing is that the shape is a sphere and you are in it. The sphere repels foreign energy and preserves your own.

- Pyramid – the technique is the same as for the sphere, only the shape is a pyramid. The walls of the pyramid repel foreign energy, preserve your own and concentrate it. Pyramid visualization is also used in meditation. When you are in a pyramid your energy is concentrated and you rise to a higher energy level. The pyramid is used for protection when the person opposite you has stronger negative energy than normal.

- Mirror – the mirror technique is used for protection and punishment. Visualize yourself standing behind a mirror large enough to cover your goals. The mirror part is towards the person with the negative energy. The mirror part absorbs the negative energy and returns it back to the person who sent it. With this method you can actually see what is being sent to you, usually the negative person gets sick or gets a headache.

We are constantly surrounded by people with whom we communicate energetically. It is clear that we cannot be non-stop with defenses, but in cases where it is clear to you that you are being harmed, protect yourself.


