Meditation is a technique where the goal is to focus the mind on a certain object, thought or activity. The technique trains attention and leads to achieving a mental and emotional calm and stable state. We use meditation mainly to calm our thoughts.

The idea of this article is to move to a higher level of meditation, where meditation is purposeful and can give us answers or insights in addition to relaxation. As the title suggests, this technique is for advanced people, or simply put, for those who have already meditated several times and reached the desired relaxation.

It is not recommended for beginners for the simple reason that you may not be able to achieve the desired result and this will frustrate you and most likely stop you from meditating altogether.

Like all meditation, this advanced meditation begins with sitting in a quiet place and stilling the mind. Whether you use a candle, counting, or breathing, the goal is to calm your thoughts and heart rhythm.

While calming your thoughts, visualize a place that is pleasant to you, a meadow, a seashore, a forest. It is good if the place you choose is surrounded by nature, without buildings and people. Once you've held the visualization, calmed your thoughts and breath, it's time to start opening your senses. Think about what you smell, what you hear, what you feel, and what you see. Look at yourself, how you are dressed, how old you are, whether you are barefoot or with shoes. After you have calmly surveyed yourself and the environment around you, you let the visualization itself guide you. A path may appear for you to follow, an animal or person may appear, or you may simply hear someone speaking to you. Go where the visualization leads you. This is astral travel in the waking state. You can ask questions or just enjoy the pictures that pop up in front of you.

Purposeful meditation usually aims to bring our fears to the fore and provide answers to those fears. You may see past lives if they have a direct connection to the current incarnation. You may see deceased relatives if there is a need to tell them something or to receive reassurance. You might get an answer to a problem that's been bothering you, or just a look into the future.

When you decide you are ready, give thanks and open your eyes.

No matter what the purpose of meditation is, it will help you connect more closely with spirit and unlock the potential of the subconscious.


