What is magic? Magic is a mental wish accompanied by a ritual. The difference between magic and blessing or cursing is the ritual that accompanies the thought. To bless ourselves or a loved one, we only need our thought and a good wish coming from the heart. When we curse someone, again we only need our thought and a negative wish coming from the heart. Magic uses the methods described above plus an object ritual. By object ritual is meant the use of candles, threads, icons, stones, salt, phases of the moon and others.

Blessing and white magic are intended to send positive energy and support the free will of the person to whom they are sent. For example, if a person is looking for a job and is blessed or is cast a white spell on him, his desire to find a job increases three times. The blessing or the white magic strengthens his desire or free will, and the process of making that desire come true is enhanced.

In cursing or black magic, negative energy is sent to destroy free will. For example, if a person is looking for a job and is cursed or black magic is performed on him, it will be difficult for him to find a job, he will constantly have problems related to work, or in the lightest version, he will work something he does not like and does not bring him enough money .

It is clear that no one is wondering if someone blessed me or if I have white magic. The question we ask ourselves is whether we are cursed or have black magic.

Cursing is generally motivated by envy and can be done consciously or unconsciously.

Black magic is motivated by malice and is done knowingly.

People are envious, that's a fact, so cursing is a common process. But just as it is easy to be cursed, it is also easy to break it.

Signs of a curse are headache, vomiting, upset stomach, or stumbling toward a wish come true. For the first three signs, it is enough to wash your eyes or take a shower. With the last sign, we need to be sure exactly what we want. Free will is always stronger than foreign negative interference. That is, if you want what you want with all your heart, even if you are cursed and you have stumbling blocks, you will still achieve what you want.

The signs of black magic are the same as in cursing, but much stronger or repeated. For example, instead of headache, vomiting and upset stomach, specific diseases may appear. Or the headache turns into a migraine. Black magic is generally specific. If you suddenly start getting sick all the time or bad things happen to you one after another, this is a sign that black magic has been done to you.

Since black magic is made with ritual, you need a ritual to break it.

In this case, a person who deals with breaking spells can help you.


