Thanatophobia is the term for an obsessive intense fear of death or dying itself.
The main reasons according to psychology are:
Fear of the unknown and loss of control.
Fear of pain or illness.
Fear of abandoning relatives.
The fear of death or dying causes a generalized anxiety disorder, which can manifest itself in the form of chest tightness, panic, difficulty breathing, depression, etc.
Phobias are often triggered by a specific event in a person's past, although the individual does not always have a memory of that event. Thanatophobia can be triggered by a traumatic event involving the near death or death of a loved one.
Treatment usually involves a form of therapy and medication.
From a spiritual perspective, if the fear of death is not based on an event that happened in this incarnation, it is usually a memory of a previous one.
In both cases, regression therapy clarifies the cause.
Considering that we ourselves choose when to be born and when to die, the obsessive fear of death is a redundant emotion that you need to deal with before it turns into a physical illness.
It is important to accept that you cannot consciously control anything except the present moment.