
I create the light and create the darkness; I make peace, I create and do evil! I am the Lord who does all this. - Isaiah 45: 7

The Western mind sees good and evil as opposites. The Eastern mind sees them as equal and necessary for perfect balance. In the Western spirit, God is good and can not create evil. The Eastern mind sees God as the perfect balance of all things.

Our Western mind classifies everything into two categories, be it "good" or "bad". One must be sought, respected and protected, the other must be rejected, rejected, and rejected. Let us take light and darkness as an example. The idea of ​​light reminds us of things like God, truth and love. Darkness, on the other hand, causes Satan, lies and hatred. They are both equally needed because one can not exist without the other. If you look at the sun, which is pure light, what's going on? You are getting blind.

The two poles of a magnet are to the north and to the south. These two poles create balance, are not morally good or bad, but necessary components of physics that complement each other.

Can it be good without the bad? Absolutely not, how can you judge that something is good if you can not compare it with something bad? The same applies to all other concepts. Coldness can not exist without heat, or short without height, far from near or large without a little. Our Western mind usually ignores these extremes and always strives to find "good" or "bad". The Eastern mind is constantly looking for both "good" and "bad" to find the balance between the two.

How do we determine whether we are good or bad? And how bad and good it is in us.

Everyone strives to be rather good than bad, and if he accidentally finds bad qualities in himself, he wants to hide or suppress them.

It is about striking a balance between the two poles, but it is not to suppress your bad faces but to accept them and take advantage of them.

Every bad quality teaches you something, every one of your failures too.

Take your time and honestly acknowledge what you do not like and why you do not like it.

Whether it hinders you, or interferes with others, or is bad, according to the established norms of the material world in which we live.

Envy is "bad" quality, according to established norms, but to me it is an indicator of our desires. I envy the neighbor's new car. Why? Because I also want to have a new car. Solution - I'm starting to raise money for a new car. Envy is usually a lack of the thing we envy for.

Lie. Who do you lie, ourself or others? Why lie? To avoid trouble to protect someone else from trouble or to gain benefits.

I lie to avoid trouble. That means I'm hiding. Why am I hiding?

She lies to protect someone from trouble. Why do I want to protect him? Everyone learns his own lessons.

I lie to gain benefits. What is the thing that I'm weak I it and why do I think I'm weak to need a lie?

I'm lazy. Interferes with whom? Me or with others. And what does it mean, in fact, lazy? This may be a sign of my body that I need a break. Or a sign of myself that I have no interest in any activities, I need to ask myself what I really care about in this life, what would spark in me. Following the wishes of others and the norms of the material world is not always our way, more important is following the path our soul has chosen.

Every flaw and every bad "thing" gives you just as much as any positive quality and every "good".

There is no difference between them, there are questions. The only way to find out who we are is to keep asking questions and honestly answering them.

So be honest with yourself and live according to your own norms.


