The fifth chakra is the so-called throat chakra and is located in the area of the throat. Shines in blue and translated from Sanskrit means "purification". The fifth chakra is the center of creative expression and communication. Through this center, we give expression to what we think, feel, wish or deny.
The element of Vishuddha is ether and it is responsible for the thyroid, throat, larynx, tonsils and shoulders.
With a balanced chakra, we communicate and express ourselves clearly, demonstrate diplomacy and self-confidence.
Unbalanced chakra, thyroid disease, sore throat, tension in the neck and shoulder area.
The throat chakra develops from 7 to 12 years of age. Then, the creative identity that is kind of self-expression awakens.
Vishuddha responds to "I Communicate", the archangel who balances her is Gabriel.
The mantra for this chakra is "Ham" and can be purified with mint, eucalyptus and chamomile.