
Baltane - the night against May 1st.

This is a feast celebrating the union of God with the Goddess, love, resurrection of nature and fire. Leap fires for health and gather dew, which possesses extraordinary healing and magical properties.

On the 1st of May, go out to nature and pick up a blossoming hawthorn, the color, and the branches for protection shield. Make a crown and name it for health.

There is a belief that women born on the night of April 30 are naturally born wizards with unusual talents.

On Baltane's night you can get rid of your problems. Light a white candle and write down all your problems and worries on one sheet. Then burn the sheet of the candle fire and say, "As the flame burns, so will burn all my troubles." Let the candle burn to the end.

To attract good events, sprinkle a little sand in front of the front door, so no unclean force can enter your home. On Baltane's night you can dream prophetic dreams.

Imbolc - the night of 2 February

This is the feast of the purifying flame, or the day when the sun is at its lowest point, midway between the winter and the spring equinox. Imbolc is the time of the triple goddess Brigitte, the patron saint of the blacksmiths, poets and healers. Goddess of Earth, possessing the elements Fire and Water.

Imbolc is a day of purification, rituals are also being carried out to predict the future, harvest, and wedding divinations. On the night of February 1st, clean your house to shine, light a golden or yellow candle and let it burn all night. So you will clean your home and load it with pure and constructive energy.

Imbolc is suitable for creating new plans for the year.

Lughnassad - the night against August 1st.

With this Sabbat we celebrate the harvest and worshipe the bread. Light up an orange candle and spray a pinch of salt into the flame to get rid of any injustice. You can make a grain doll to protect your home at Lughnassad. Embrace the grain in the kitchen of your home. It will protect it all year round. At the next Lughnassad, burn the old doll and make a new one.

Mabon - the night against 22 September

Mabon is the holiday of harmony and balance, home and gratitude. It is time to analyze everything that has been achieved so far. The autumnal equinox symbolizes the struggle between good and evil. This is the day we have to make peace with ourselves and to thank for all we have.

Sit on the floor and in about 5 minutes try to clear your mind from all sorts of thoughts, connect with the earth. Light down a white candle from the left and thank for everything you've got so far and everything you have, light a candle on the right and get rid of everything that bothers you, let every negative feeling be destroyed.

Midsummer - the night of June 21

This holiday is also called Litta and is dedicated to the sun God. This is the day when the sun's rays last longer.

Light a red candle in front of you and say:

With the power of God and the Goddess I reject everything bad.

With the power of the Sun, the Moon and the Stars reject everything bad

With the power of the Earth, the Air, the Fire and the Water, I reject everything bad

Let me be connected with the magic of the Summer Night.

Ostara - the night of March 21st

Ancient is the so-called spring equinox, or when day and night are equal. This is a celebration of fertility when we celebrate the birth of spring and the awakening life. Make a spring cleansing and throw away everything unnecessarily from your home. This will release it from the heavy and negative energies accumulated during the year.

The day is the perfect time to start something new, or to finish something old, tilting to its end. Ostara is suitable for rituals of prosperity.

Now is the time to put into action the plans made on Imbolic.

Put on a new garment and go for a walk. Gather spring flowers. Later by the colour of the flowers you collected you can see your thoughts and emotions. On the spring equinox we can plant seeds and see them growing and blooming during the year. Light up a green candle with wishes for health, harmony and joy. Let it burn until it goes out and load your house with positive energy.

Samhain - the night of October 31

The most magical time of the year, when the boundary between the Spirit and the form almost disappears. A day in which we can connect with our spiritual leaders, as well as contact with relatives who have died. It is believed to be the period in which the spirits of deceased people are released. Samhain symbolizes a full turn of the year, the end of the summer. A moment in which we take stock of our actions and our lives.

It is a feast to clean up the physical and energy space in your home. Make bread, light gold candles, and create a personal magic to protect yourself.

Samhain is extremely suitable for meditation and the creation of magical plans for the next annual cycle.

A lighted black candle will drive away evil spirits.

Yule - the night of December 20th

Yule is a holiday of winter sunshine and marks the longest night and the shortest day. Symbol of the feast is the mistletoe that is placed on the front door to protect the home from diseases and witches.

On this day you are not supposed to take anything out of the house, you should not borrow anything, don’t stitch and knit, don’t wash, don’t boil beans and don’t work.

Whoever comes first to your home, this will be your luck all year round.


