Forgiveness means different things to different people. But in general, it is a deliberate decision to let go of resentment and anger. Forgiveness will help you reduce the impact of negative emotions on yourself.
It is important to be able to forgive people who have hurt you. But it is more important to be able to forgive yourself for allowing yourself to be hurt.
Forgiveness frees you from negative emotions and allows you to move forward.
Without forgiveness, you remain anchored in a past moment that hurts you every time.
For the ritual you will need:
- A sheet of paper
- A pen
- A glass of water
- A metal bowl
- A lighter or a match
On a blank sheet of paper, write what you want to forgive, whether it is directed at another person or at yourself. Be detailed and comprehensive so that it can encompass the range of feelings you have experienced.
Example: “I forgive my father …/ write the name/ for not being able to love me the way I needed throughout my life. I forgive him for not supporting me and not noticing my successes. I forgive him for not being able to express warm feelings and hug me. I forgive him for not being the rock I needed to lean on during my childhood.”
Write until you have listed everything you think has affected you negatively.
Following the example above, it would be good to forgive yourself next.
Example: “I forgive myself for expecting things from my father …/ name/ that he was not capable of giving me. I forgive myself for judging him and not trying to understand what provoked his actions. I realize that he did the best he could, given how he himself was raised. I realize and forgive his actions because they were not directed at me, but at himself. I forgive myself for allowing myself to feel hurt, offended, sad….I accept the choice for a father that I have made and I am thankful for the lessons I have learned.”
After writing down everything you need to forgive, place the glass of water next to you and read what you have written out loud.
Burn the sheet over the metal vessel and drink the water.
The ritual is intended to free you from the negative emotion. Burning the sheet breaks the karmic connection, and the water purifies you and removes the blockage that was created.
You have the power to forgive anyone, but the most important thing is to forgive yourself.