
The purpose of the ritual is to clean the home from negative energy and load it with a positive one. You will need a jar of salt, a black candle, a green candle, a white candle and matches.

Please open a window in the room that you are doing the ritual, so that any negative energy can go out. Otherwise everything negatively will come to you.

Make a circle of salt around you clockwise "I make this circle of protection, I close the space around me and make it unavailable for foreign interference and negative energy"

Put the black candle on the left, the white candle in front of us and the green on the right.

We spend 1 minute to clear the mind and the heart.

We light the black candle "let every bad thought and energy be destroyed. All bad to get out of the house. "Concentrate on the moving energy and getting the bad one out of the window.

When you feel ready light the green candle on the right side "Let the energy be cured. Let happiness and harmony enter the home. Energy is balanced and filled with love. My home is protected. "

When you feel ready light the white candle in front of you "let God and the angels help to fulfill this ritual."

Take time to balance your own feelings and thoughts. Fill yourself with harmony and love. Feel the movement of the energy in you.

After the ritual is finished, wash your face with water.
