
Everyone has a guardian angel to lead and defend.

Angels are high spiritual beings recognized by many religions in the world. We can not see or hear them under normal circumstances, but everyone has a guardian angel. Yours is near you all the time, loving you.

Angels are always available to support you and help you when they know you are ready to receive their help. All you have to do is quietly send a thought, asking for help.

The angel is responsible for your personal needs, so you can always call him to provide you with peace, healing and support in your darker moments, to provide emotional courage, love, advice or guidance.

To connect with your guardian angel, create a space that is appealing and calm. Candles, flowers, inspiring music and beautiful things help create a positive mood. You are surrounded by the energies of your thoughts and emotions. It is difficult for your angel to reach you if you are surrounded by negative emotions like rage, fear or pain. Try to get rid of these emotions as much as possible to make yourself more accessible. Close your eyes and take a few minutes to list your blessings, everything that is positive in your life, to thank your loved ones and your friends, the food on the table, and the electricity that keeps your home warm and bright. It is important to be calm and centered. The easiest way to relax is to breathe deeply and relax your body with every exhalation. Imagine that you breathe golden gold until you are surrounded like in a golden egg. It is easier for the angels to contact you when you are surrounded by a golden aura. Psychically, ask your guardian to enter your aura and touch you. Expect a physical sensation, aroma, or a sense of love.

Ask the guardian angel what his name is, and accept the first name that appeared in your mind. Ask for the help you need.

Once you are ready, thank your guardian angel and open your eyes.


