
Flying dreams can be interpreted in many ways, but in general we can say that they represent your spirit that rises high, free from limitations and inhibitions.

Flying during sleep suggests that your mind reaches new heights, which are beyond the reality of your everyday life. Such dreams often occur when there is a chance for progress in your life. To understand the significance of such a dream, you need to consider its main components, such as how high you were flying and whether the flight was mild or stormy.

Free flying - means you can easily achieve your ambitions. Only modest efforts are needed to drive you to success. The area over which you fly can give you additional guidance - for example, flying over your home shows that the success is in your home, flying over your job involves career success.

Spreading Wings - Spreading wings in your sleep, means leadership. The wings relate to the ethics and principles of a higher order than that of human law. Dreaming yourself with bird wings means you will be smart. Angel wings suggest you will soon hear unexpected news from higher authorities.

Floating flying - if you are successfully flying in the air by waving your arms or legs, it means that success is achieved through a determined effort. The message here is to continue to stick to your goals. If there has been an outbreak of fatigue or sickness, this dream promises relief from these problems.

An attempt to take off and fail- that dream shows that the spirit is disappointed, mired in the secular aspects of life, and cannot find a way out. Trying to fly and not be able to do so means that ambition is beyond your capabilities. The dreamer must reassess his goals.

Loss of altitude - fly successfully for some time, then lose control and deviate or return to the ground. This dream suggests that the ambition decreases or that the dreamer has been hesitant about the goal. To experience precarious flying means either fear of the heights of success or ambiguity towards your ambitions.

Flight assistance - Flying at a high-altitude plane means you can expect recognition for the work you have done. Delta plane flying suggests that you will be supported by team effort. If you fly on the back of a mythical creature like Pegasus, the winged horse offers adventure.

Flying toward light - this is a very rare and unusual sleep that is associated with lost experiences. It relates to an aspect of your past. Flying through bright light to someone who has died suggests a nostalgic journey and the time to free up memories.

Obstructed during a flight - in general, this refers to failures or postponement of your aspirations or lack of confidence in your ability to achieve goals. Conditions can give you guidance on the nature of the failures; strong winds, for example, involve communication problems.


