
The chakras are energy points, with which the energy can flows in or out of the body. The word "chakra" comes from Sanskrit and means "wheel". Whenever the chakras are developed they spin like a wheel..

Chakras exactly like emotions can impact our breathing, heartbeat, metabolism, activity of the glands, body shape, our thoughts and behavior.

The lower chakras are physically close to earth so they are connected more practical aspects of our life – surviving, movement, action. They are ruled from physical and social laws. The higher chakras represent mental aspects of our life and rule us through words, pictures and conceptions. All seven chakras represent separate important areas of our physical health and we can shortly represent them by the following way: (1) survival, (2) sexuality, (3) strength, (4) love, (5) communication, (6) intuition, (7) wisdom.

We have all experienced periods when the free flow of our energy or intent seems blocked. If our communication suffers, that mean that we have blockage in our fifth chakra. If we live in fear and obedience, it may be that our third chakra is blocked. If our physical health and personal finances suffer, then we have blockage in our first chakra.

Chakras suffer from the following:

1 - fear

2 - guilt

3 - shame

4 - sadness

5 - lies

6 - illusion

7 - affection

In order to feel healthy, calm and harmonious, it is important that our chakras are balanced. This can be done in many ways - singing, crystals, color therapy, aromatherapy, manual and energy therapies.


